About NSTA - National Spasmodic Torticollis Association

Dystonia Support & Advocacy Group of San Diego County Meeting

11 Aug

Date: Saturday, March 8, 2025

Time: 1-3:00 p.m. PST


Guest Presenter: RACHEL FRANK, a Southern-CA based Laughter Yoga teacher, breathwork & medication guide and comedian

I hope that you can join us for what promises to be a very informative and enlightening presentation.
The title of our meeting is: LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE. Our guest presenter is RACHEL FRANK who is a Southern California-based Laughter Yoga teacher, breathwork and meditation guide, and comedian. She feels that she was put on this planet to raise the vibration of joy and laughter. Through her own transformational journey of overcoming depression, unraveling past traumas, and switching self-destructive behavior and negative thought patterns to living her life and having unconditional love for herself, she’s on a mission to open and fill up the hearts of all the beautiful souls that come into her life and make them laugh.

She became a certified Laughter Yoga teacher in 2021 and has been spreading laughter ever since!

Here’s her website: www.thelaughterclub.com
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@rachelfrank
21-Day Laughter Challenge: https://bit.ly/21daylaughterchallenge


Here’s some information on what Laughter Yoga is:
Laughter Yoga combines Pranayama Deep Breathing with Unconditional Laughter exercises with light movement to help promote joy and reduce stress. It starts with a warmup of light stretching and breathing and some laughter warmups and then gets into the Laughter exercises for about 15 minutes of hearty laughter and ends with a Laughter meditation and then a regular meditation.
Dr. Kataria invented it in 1995 when he was studying the health benefits of Laughter and realized how beneficial it is for humans. He started a joke club that was shut down but wanted to keep people laughing, so he invented Laughter Yoga!

• Improved mood: Laughter releases endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, which can improve your mood
• Reduced stress: Laughter suppresses stress hormones like cortisol
• Improved sleep: Laughter yoga can improve signs of sleep disorders
• Reduced anxiety and depression: Laughter yoga can reduce anxiety and depression levels
• Improved social connectedness: Laughing with others can increase social connectedness and bonding
• Improved cardiovascular system: Laughter can lower your blood pressure and pulse rates
• Stronger immune system: Better circulation can boost your immune system

Our meetings are open to individuals with ALL forms of dystonia and are not specific to one form of dystonia. We provide a safe space where we can learn from our presenters and each other to offer and receive support. For the Zoom log-in information and to RSVP, please e-mail Martha Murphy at mmurphy582@gmail.com Our group’s website is www.dystoniaofsandiego.com and our Facebook page is www.facebook.com/dystoniaofsandiego

Martha Murphy
Leader/Founder, Dystonia Support & Advocacy Group of San Diego County
DMRF Pacific/Northwest Regional Coordinator
DMRF Information Coordinator & Brain Bank Liaison
E-mail: mmurphy582@gmail.com
Group website: www.dystoniaofsandiego.com

Group Facebook: www.facebook.com/dystoniaofsandiego 
DMRF website: www.dystonia-foundation.org
Dysphonia International website: www.dysphonia.org